Bone Research Society

BRS Annual Meeting & ECTS Congress 2023

Thursday 13th - Tuesday 18th April 2023

Liverpool, UK

Abstracts & Clinical Cases



All the BRS Annual Meeting abstracts can be found online here in the BRS 2023 Abstract Book 

Abstracts will be published in JBMR® Plus (Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Plus)

JBMR® Plus is the premier open access journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR). A companion to internationally recognized title Journal of Bone and Mineral ResearchJBMR® Plus aims to improve global musculoskeletal health by publishing innovative research covering endocrinology, geriatrics, orthopedics and rheumatology. 


Submitting your abstract to BRS and/or ECTS 2023

BRS and ECTS are teaming up and are offering you a joint abstract submission process. You can decide whether to submit your abstract to BRS alone or to ECTS and BRS. Abstract submission and registration and will be organised through a shared website via the link below.

If you are planning to attend the BRS Meeting only, you should select “BRS only” when you submit your abstract. In tis case, your abstract will only be reviewed by the BRS Committee and could be selected for poster or oral presentation at the BRS Annual Meeting. BRS submitted abstracts from early career researchers will be eligible for New Investigator awards, in addition to  BRS prizes including best oral and poster prizes.

If you are planning to attend BRS and ECTS, you can decide whether you want your abstract to be considered for “BRS only” (as above) or “ECTS and BRS”. If you choose “ECTS and BRS”, your abstract could be selected for oral or poster presentation at ECTS. You would be able to display your poster during the BRS meeting, as well as the ECTS Congress. If your poster is not selected for presentation at ECTS, it would still be considered for presentation at BRS.

Please note that the abstract deadline is 12th December 2022.

Submit your abstract here:

Abstract Submission


Presentation types

Oral communications

As well as dedicated oral communications sessions there will also be options to present during the symposia.  Orals will generally be 10 minutes (7 minutes for the presention and 3 minutes for discussion).


Posters will be on boards for the entire meeting.  There will be dedicated sessions during each day when presenters will be asked to be at their boards to discuss their data with other delegates.


Previously presented or published data

Work which has been previously presented or published may be submitted for presentation at the meeting provided it has not been published as a full manuscript in a journal.


Review process 

Abstracts containing no data are unlikely to be accepted.  You must include results in your abstract unless you are describing a clinical case.

BRS abstracts are marked under blinded conditions by a review panel on the basis of originality, scientific merit and significance.  Reviewers do not score abstracts when there is a potential or actual conflict of interest.  Submitted abstracts are primarily selected for oral/poster presentation on the basis of the scores achieved during the review process.  The Organisers reserve the right to make minimal adjustments to the final programme in order to maintain a breadth and balance of interests in the programme.