Bone Research Society

BRS Annual Meeting & ECTS Congress 2023

Thursday 13th - Tuesday 18th April 2023

Liverpool, UK

Judith Adams Imaging Award 2023

We are delighted to announce The BRS Judith Adams Imaging Award 2023. The BRS Imaging Award has been renamed in dedication to Judith's eminent standing as a musculoskeletal radiologist. Judith’s passion and energy for bone research was infectious and we, together with her family, believe this is a fitting tribute to Judith who was a longstanding supporter of the Bone Research Society, a leading female in her field and wonderful mentor to clinical and non-clinical scientists across the globe.

BRS members are invited to submit images from their research for the first annual BRS Judith Adams imaging award.  We invite photographs and images from across the breadth of BRS members work, molecule to whole body. Images will be displayed throughout the annual meeting with delegates voting for their favourite.  The winning image will be used as the banner image on the BRS twitter page for the next year and recipient awarded a gift voucher.

Please submit entries in .tiff or .jpg format to by 12pm, Wednesday 12th April 2023.

Include a short title (less than 10 words), a short paragraph describing your work (no more than 200 characters), your name, affiliation and twitter handle if you have one.