Bone Research Society

Bringing basic and clinical researchers together since 1950

BRS Awards

Awards can be publicised here free of charge. Simply send details to

Adverts should contain a very brief description, an e-mail address or web location for obtaining further details, and the closing date.

For specific questions about awards contact the BRS Secretary

To be eligible for BRS carer and travel awards, you need to be a BRS member for at least 6 months prior to applying.

BRS Best Presentation Prizes

Bone Research Society

All eligible abstracts presented at the annual meeting are considered for one of the presentation prizes. Awards are given for best oral presentation (basic and clinical), best poster pitch and best poster (basic and clinical) at the closing ceremony of the annual meeting. Eligibility criteria for these prizes is the same as the New Investigator Awards.

BRS Sponsored Meetings

Bone Research Society

The BRS is here to promote and foster the bone community so that the UK remains at the forefront of musculo-skeletal research and healthcare innovation. The BRS aims to bring together basic and clinical researchers so that we can provide a forum for collaboration and advancement of musculo-skeletal science and health. The aim of the BRS sponsored specialist meetings are to help realise these aims.

To apply for meeting sponsorship from the BRS, applicants should complete an application form ( which will receive an initial review by the BRS Committee within four weeks

ELIGIBILITY & TERMS OF AWARD (see for full details of Society policy)
1. The applicant must have been a member of BRS for at least 6 months prior to application.
2. Successful applications will be required to submit a report to the BRS within 3 months of the meeting. This should include the purpose of the workshop and the benefits to the BRS.
3. BRS will award up to £500 to support local meetings: normally a maximum of 3 awards each per calendar year.
4. Money will be paid once receipts have been received by the BRS treasurer.
5. BRS will only support local meetings to be held within the UK.
6. The support of BRS should be clearly acknowledged at the meeting.
7. Applications must be submitted at least 8 weeks in advance of the proposed meeting. Only applications submitted on the official application form will be considered.

BRS Carer Allowances

Bone Research Society

We realise that attending meetings and being away from home may present difficulties for those with caring duties. A grant of up to £100 is available to members who incur additional childcare or other caring costs to attend the annual BRS meeting.

Applicants must be a BRS member for at least 6 months prior to applying.

The application form for the 2023 annual meeting will be available soon.

BRS Travel Bursaries

Bone Research Society

The Society uses a large proportion of its available funds to support members wishing to present their research at National and International Meetings or to attend work-related training courses. These travel bursaries take the form of part defrayment of the travel costs. Applications should be made to the Treasurer prior to starting travel, giving details of the meeting and the travel costs, along with a copy of the accepted abstract. Applicants must be members of the BRS (for at least 6 months) and must acknowledge BRS support on their poster/presentation.

The level of support will be dependent upon the funds available so bursaries cannot be awarded retrospectively. Bursaries are awarded at the discretion of the BRS committee, up to £150 can be claimed to attend an international or BRS conference and up to £75 to attend a non-BRS conference. There is only one award per person, per year.

We also request that you submit a short summary of the conference/ course that the travel award was provided for (up to 300 words) at the time of submission of expenses.

To apply please email the treasurer ( with your BRS membership number, details of the meeting you are attending, a copy of the accepted abstract and a break-down of expenditure.

The BRS Barbra Mawer Travelling Fellowship

The primary aim of this Fellowship is to enable new investigators to spend time in another laboratory to learn a technique not currently used in the home laboratory. A secondary aim is to give new investigators the opportunity to apply for their own funding, therefore experience the grant writing process.

The Fellowship is intended primarily to fund travel and subsistence expenses for the duration of the visit; however a small amount of lab-based consumables may be applied for (if applicable). The amount available is up to £3000 per award.

For eligibility criteria, full details and application form please click the link below to download:

Funding available from Orthopaedic Research UK

Orthopaedic Research UK

Includes Joint partnership funds:
ORUK/Versus Arthritis: AI in MSK Research Fellowship 2023
BHS/ORUK MSK Grand Challenge Award 2023
ORUK/RCSEd Research Fellowship 2023


Resorbing Osteoclast In Vitro
Check Out Our Gallery

Resorbing Osteoclast In Vitro

BRS Annual Meeting 2025
BRS Annual Meeting 2025

25-27 June 2025, John McIntyre Conference Centre, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

James Edwards
Meet the Committee

James Edwards
University of Oxford